Feb 23, 2009

Know WHO your audience is…

Fifteen words; fifteen words was all that it took for the Dixie Chicks to go from being one of the most popular bands in the world, to becoming hated by their once loyal fans. Some say that all publicity is good publicity, but for the Dixie Chicks, the media and the publicity that they stirred up nearly ended their careers. “Just so you know, we’re ashamed the president of the United States is from Texas.” When Natalie Maines uttered those words at a London nightclub, it wasn’t really a big deal. During the war many celebrities spoke up in protest. Those words were heard by a few hundred Dixie Chicks fans in London, England, a place that was probably filled with more people agreeing with Maines than disagreeing. But it was the American national media that made that statement newsworthy. They not only took those words and broadcasted it for all to hear, but they also allowed those critics of the statement to be heard loudest. That is the power of the media, to make a situation an EVENT and to make that event buzz-worthy.

But it wasn’t what Maines said that struck a chord with the nation, Maines wasn’t the first or the last person to criticize the War or President Bush, it was who Maines said those words to; country music fans aka Dixie Chick fans. It’s one thing when a punk-rock band disses the President of the country because most of their fans probably shared those same beliefs; but it’s a far different thing when a country group breaks out of what is expected of them and speaks of views that are most likely polar opposites of their fans’ views. It’s a fact that country is filled with stars and fans that are conservative republicans; republicans who not only voted for Bush but who are also very patriotic. Maines has a right to speak her mind, as an American citizen she is given the right of free speech. However, as an entertainer in the public eye, she should have been more conscious of who the band’s audience is; its one think to speak one’s mind and stand up for a cause, but sometimes thoughts and opinions are better kept to oneself if it only brings negativity and more fighting.

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